Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Day One

Well here we are. Not bad so far, but really it's early in the day so I'm guessing it will get worse through out the day. My friend Kate is coming over to keep me company later today...if I ask really, really nicely she may bring me a coffee from Timmy's.

I have already tried my Thrive I can "lose the smoke, not the fire"...and I was pleasantly surprised that it didn't taste like butt. I may have tried to suck too much of the nicotine out since I was starting to feel nauseous. So my choices appear to be....have really bad cravings or feel like vomiting. I haven't decided which of two is worse yet. I am also waiting for my motorcycle to arrive. Apparently people who quit smoking all get a motorcycle...I would like a pink one please. Oh and a chicken...k?thx.bai.


Anonymous said...

Chicken? Um...not sure how a motorcyle and a chicken go together...

Maybe you should have tried the Aleve gum instead ;)

Anonymous said...

I will always bring you Timmy's ^_^ unless it's too late in the day and you don't feel like being wired til 2am (like me :P).

Yeah, gross tasting gum'd make it awfully hard to quit alright. But if you get a motorcycle, you'll have to get your licence for it. :D But then you could get some seriously cute accessories for it...hmmm...