Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Tackle It Tuesday

I'm trying something new today that I found at 5 Minutes For Mom. The goal...exactly what you think. Find a project (big or small) that you haven't found time for and "tackle it".

So I did. I cleaned out the cabinets of the bathroom, tossed some old crap and rearranged things. I also cleaned the cupboard doors, took the faucet covers off and cleaned around the taps (everybody all together now....ewwwwwww). I also did something I've been dying to try...the old shaving foam on the mirror thing. Now I'm second guessing myself...was it foam or cream...I'm not sure if I did it right but hey who cares.

If you want to brag about your project check out the link below!

Tackle It Tuesday Meme


The Apron Queen said...

Every little bit counts!!

Stop by for a visit sometime. Confessions of an Apron Queen: http://anapronaday.blogspot.com

Anonymous said...

Sounds like an awesome first tackle :-)